Rest assured that whenever you travel internationally or live abroad, NBCUniversal has a 24/7 resource on call, online and even on the ground to help with any medical, security and logistical questions, concerns and situations that may arise. Contact 212-413-6012.So if you need a medical referral, lose your medication, seek pre-travel advice or experience a medical or security crisis, NBCUniversal has a fully integrated program in place so you receive the care and expertise that you need, whenever and wherever you need it.
NBCUniversal partners with International SOS, the leading medical assistance, international healthcare and security assistance company. Travel security services are provided by a joint venture of International SOS and Control Risks, the world’s leading security risk management firm.
The International SOS/NBCUniversal Travel Advisory System (TAS)
NBCUniversal requires that all business travel be arranged through the NBCUniversal travel website. The Travel Advisory System (TAS) is a component of the NBCUniversal travel program that classifies cities and countries throughout the world by risk level. NBCUniversal Corporate Security, in conjunction with our corporate risk travel partner International SOS, maintains a list of these locations known as TAS Security and TAS Monitor destinations.
Whenever an NBCUniversal traveler arranges a trip to a TAS Security or TAS Monitor destination using the company’s travel website, certain business and security approvals will be requested from the traveler. Approval level depends on the risk rating of the intended destination. It should be emphasized that travel tickets will not be issued until required approvals have been obtained. The following further explains the differences between TAS Security and TAS Monitor:
TAS Security destinations have clear security risks and require specific risk mitigation measures. Travelers booking a trip to a TAS Security destination require approval from their manager and NBCUniversal Corporate Security. International SOS provides a further explanation of the degree of risks for each TAS Security destination: EXTREME TRAVEL RISK or HIGH TRAVEL RISK (see below for additional information).